How to Increase Word of Mouth Marketing

 In Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing

Traditionally word of mouth marketing was spreading via recommendations from one person to another, but modern word of mouth marketing has changed its way and became more of a combined effort of targeted pushes and naturally occurring instances. Accourding to a Nielsen study, 92% of consumers believe recommendations of family and friends more than they believe any type of advertising. That’s why we have to figure out how to increase this extremely effective type of marketing.

1. Encourage User Generated Content

UGC is any type of content that has been created by consumers about brands and products. This type of content can be much more influential than the content created by companies. You can promote UGC by creating a unique hasthag, create a sense of community and encourage creating and sharing pictures by offering gifts and discounts.

2. Use Influencers

Consumers today believe a third party more than they believe brands. A research done by Annalect states 49% of people trust the recommendations from influencers when making purchasing decisions. To attract influencers you can send free samples of your products or services, connect with a worthy cause or pay them to share your content.


3. Be unique

Creating something different is another way of generating word of mouth marketing. If you offer a unique experience they’ll want to share it with their friends and family. You don’t have to create something totally unheard of, you can sell an old product in a new way or be humorous to make people talk about your brand.

4. Value customer reviews & ratings

You have to make it easy for consumers to write reviews, recommendations and communicate with each other, because the more they interact with one another the more exposure you get for free. Also, with this data you can access valuable insight and feedback from customers.

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